When you have to deal with serious injuries after being involved in an accident that you did not cause, it can be a frustrating and upsetting experience. Personal injury cases are quite common, and they often happen when they're least expected. When in this kind of situation, you want to make sure that you're not taken advantage of. Hiring a skilled personal injury attorney is recommended as they will help you navigate the legal system and get the help that you need.
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Working with a personal injury lawyer means dealing with a great deal of legal jargon. There are, however, some key personal injury law concepts you need to know to advance your claim. Let's check out 5 that are critical to almost every case.
For a defendant to pay out compensation on a claim, they have to be found liable. Liability is made up of three components. First, there is a duty of care, a legal responsibility to prevent another from coming to harm.
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If you've been injured in a car accident, one of the first things you need to do is hire an attorney. As soon as you submit a claim to the insurance company, they'll assign the case to a team of investigators. Their job will be to reduce as much of their liability as possible, which is why you need to hire your own attorney. Once you hire an attorney, you'll need to provide them with as much information as you can.
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A wrongful death claim is one that occurs when a defendant has caused the death of another person either on purpose or through their own negligence. It is a type of personal injury lawsuit, but since the injured party is deceased, the estate of the victim is allowed to file the claim instead. A wrongful death claim becomes part of the estate of the deceased and is filed as a way to provide compensation to survivors of the victim.
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