Been In A Car Accident? 4 Things You Need To Discuss With Your Attorney Right Away

If you've been injured in a car accident, one of the first things you need to do is hire an attorney. As soon as you submit a claim to the insurance company, they'll assign the case to a team of investigators. Their job will be to reduce as much of their liability as possible, which is why you need to hire your own attorney. Once you hire an attorney, you'll need to provide them with as much information as you can. This includes providing them with information that you might not think is important to your case. Here are four things that you need to discuss with your attorney.

You're Having Financial Difficulties

If you've been involved in a car accident, and you've suffered injuries, you need to tell your attorney about any financial difficulties that you might be experiencing. This is particularly important if you're considering bankruptcy. Filing a personal injury claim can affect your bankruptcy case, especially if you anticipate a large insurance settlement as a result of the accident. In some cases, the bankruptcy court may take some or all of your accident settlement to satisfy your debts. If bankruptcy is a possibility, talk to your personal injury attorney before you file.

You're Going Through a Divorce

If you've been injured in a car accident, and you're going through a divorce, you need to talk to your car accident attorney, especially if you live in a community property state. Any insurance settlement you receive prior to your divorce may be considered part of the marital assets, which means your spouse may be entitled to a portion of the proceeds. Even if you don't receive a settlement prior to the final discharge of your marriage, your spouse may choose to attach the case to your divorce. That means, that they may try to ensure they receive a portion of your settlement once it does settle. Your personal injury attorney may be able to help you protect your insurance settlement from the divorce proceedings.

You Have Previous Driving Violations

If you've had previous driving violations, you need to provide those details to your accident attorney—even if you're not at fault for this accident. The insurance company may try to use those prior violations to reduce their clients liability for the accident. By providing your attorney with that information, you provide them with the opportunity to resolve those issues before they interfere with your settlement.

You Provided a Recorded Statement

If you provided a recorded statement to the insurance company prior to seeking legal representation, you need to let your attorney know. Insurance companies often use recorded statements as a way to undermine future statements. Your attorney will need to know what questions were asked, and how you answered each of those questions.

For more information, talk to an auto accident lawyer.
