Tips For Fortifying Evidence For Veteran Injury Cases
For many military-related injuries, getting through the Veterans Affairs (VA) disability claim system can be a pain. There's a heavy burden of proof requiring evidence that may not have been well documented because of the hectic nature of mobile missions, combat operations or short-staffed administrative teams. If you're appealing a denial or being asked for extra evidence and aren't sure of where to look next, consider these tips to get additional help your your claim.
Why Would A Legitimate Condition Be Denied?
The VA disability compensation exists only to assist veterans with service-connected injuries. There are a wealth of other programs under the VA's umbrella of support, but for disability consideration, your condition must have been caused by military service or made considerably worse during service.
To prove this, your best bet is to have a complaint or medical test results that were recorded while you were in the military. It's more difficult--but not impossible-to prove a case for a condition that wasn't discovered until after leaving the military.
Don't dismiss anything in your record without consulting a personal injury attorney. Even the most subtle medical visit involving dizziness, nausea or any condition can be linked to your current complaint with the investigative techniques of an attorney skilled in injury law.
Your service records may hold clues to certain issues as well. For example, the Agent Orange herbicide exposure situation affects many veterans, not only in the Vietnam War, but in following campaigns that assessed the possible dangers of the substance and worked on destroying old stock. Even if you didn't have a single medical visit during your military service, your current condition could be linked to Agent Orange, and you'll need your service record to suggest that you've been exposed.
Many diseases and conditions, such as cancer, can lack noticeable symptoms for years. Instead of dismissing even the smallest possible evidence, hand your documentation over to an attorney to assess its usefulness.
Getting Medical Assistance While Working On A Claim
While working on a VA disability claim, you may be contacted for Compensation and Pension (C&P) examinations. It's important to bring up every single medical issue you're having; not just the problems that are related to your disability claim.
The VA may not be able to give comprehensive, long-term care for many conditions, but medical professionals can give you an examination for any conditions you complain of. As far as the claim is concerned, you'll simply be denied disability for those specific issues that aren't related to military service. The issues related to military service are not jeopardized, as every ailment is handled as a different category for compensation.
Medical professionals can provide assistance ranging from prescribing allergy medication for allergies you've had all your life to referring you to a psychiatrist for a recent life change. Ask for help while you have the medical team's attention and try to gather as much information as possible; even if you think that certain issues are unrelated to your disability, there may be some strange connections.
Contact a personal injury attorney such as Norris, Gary G. Attorney to begin planning an injury claim that supports your case